Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Addiction no 1

While I was travelling last night, a police constable uttered a quite interesting statement. He said, "The biggest addiction or the greatest craving each one of us suffers from is the urge to eat thrice a day."
This got me thinking. If you look at it, it is actually true. We do all the good, bad and the ugly things (depending on what your cravings are) for it. We hallucinate if we don't get our food. We beg, borrow, and steal for it. The list of the things we do to get our meal is endless. And parallels can be drawn with any addiciton that one can think of.
So, the point is the urge to eat is the biggest urge that one can ever have. And it is no doubt, the addiction no 1. (Is David Dhawan listening?)


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