First things first. I am not to be blamed at all for the gap in between the two posts. I had written a draft which had to be saved as I was compelled to leave. It didn't get saved. Now that is not my fault. But the punishment, of course, only I will get as I am forced to rewrite the thing. I will of course start from that day itself.
This will be a longer post. It is for April 8, 2009. My last day with my kids. I had expected too many things to happen. Had guessed many apologies and many thankyous to come my way. But, unfortunately or may be fortunately, nothing like that happened. Taahira was the only one who came. She got very emotional. Narrated the incidents of her life. Told me things which she perhaps never told anybody about. And in the end gave me a hug. A hug which meant and conveyed much more than her words could. There were the expected thankyous and see you next year too.
All in all it ended well.
Now as I evaluate, there were several things which I learned from this exercise (or should I say ordeal) that I went through.
1. It taught me that teaching takes excessive patience (something that I already knew but just had forgotten for some time.)
2. With some people the philosophy of 'good begets good' does not work.
3. If some people don't have the drive, you just CAN'T instill it in them.
4. All of us are born with problems.
5. It takes a hell of an effort to actually get out of the shanties that you have been born in to reach the palace.
6. Not each time can you make people believe of your good intentions.
7. It's tough to make everyone sit and study.
And many more...
Some of which, I am unable to recollect as of now.
But all in all, the experience has made me actually sit and ponder whether I really wish to experience all this all over again.
As of now, my heart is saying NO.
Maybe I should now try teaching younger children who are much more impressionable and who are NOT thinking marriage.
All these are probabilities and possibilities.
What will work out eventually, I seriously don't know.
But one thing I can certainly conclude that this was a bumpy ride, which has made me really wiser.
And for that, I need to thank all you guys.
You hurt me at each step, but I choose to remember all the good times that we enjoyed together.
That is the way, I guess, it should be.
(I told you I am wiser ;) )