Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A hilarious brush with stardom
Just did it
While deleting, a message popped up on the screen. Are you sure? The action cannot be undone. Is there any action, once committed, which can be undone?
Ponder over it.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
And the list goes on...
Dealing with too many things that have cluttered the mind. Hurt with the insensitivity of my own mind. The only question which emerges as the final product of each of these is
Why do I think so much?
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's not the critic that counts
It is not the critic who counts;
Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles,
Or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
Whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;
Who strives valiantly;
Who errs, who comes short again and again,
Because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;
But who does actually strive to do deeds;
Who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions;
Who spends himself in a worthy cause;
Who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,
And who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly,
So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who
neither know
Victory nor Defeat.
I linger on these words that I happened to have read somewhere today. In a way, it is absolutely true. At every given time, it is the journey which counts more than the destination. In our life, at each point, we do embark on one odyssey or the other. Some that we always wish to go for and some that we never imagine that we will be forced to go through. It is these unexpected popping up of surprises which perhaps make life worth living. And as I always say, God is the ultimate planner. And when he chalks out the itinerary, one can be cocksure that things will never go wrong.
So, keep smiling.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The politics that I observe
The basic duty of casting your vote once you turn 18 has to be instilled in them. Funny but true.
Also, what I find remarkable is the way Raj Thackeray has been finding a way in my brain if not heart. Though, I hate myself for this, somewhere I have been contemplating giving him a chance. But haven't reached a final decision as yet.
Modi, Advani, Gandhi (ohh sorry ) Sonia Gandhi and Co and Varun Gandhi (How could I dare to generalise), CPM, DMK, AIADMK, Shiv Sena are all behaving as expected. No agendas. Each one pointing the finger at other and expecting that the other person will not reacting. They forget they are all of the same breed. Politicians.
Hmmm. But what has been most amusing has been the way Sanjay Dutt emerged as the poltician this season. I dare to call him a politician because he has learnt the tricks of the trade. From making communal remarks to giving filmi dialogues to ranting to sounding MCP. He has done it all. And I am not surprised.
For someone who can shelter terrorists and keep one AK 47 as a gift (and then feel vindicated when he was acquitted under MCOCA), indulge in drugs and have a wild past ('I have lost the count of the number of women... in my life' - a sophisticated version of his admission on national television), what else can you expect from him.
And such people receive adulation from the masses. I cringe when all this happens. I cringed when Govinda became an MP, I felt bad when Modi was voted in after the Godhra carnage.
As someone who has always tried to follow the ongoings of politics, I feel terrible when I see those with criminal background come to power. My heart weeps. Not because I want to make tall claims of being a patriot, but because I don't want my country and my people to fall in the wrong hands.
But, sadly it has occurred to me that people like me can do nothing other than that. For the simple reason that we have no inclination of getting into the politics. We don't want to get our hands dirty, as recession struck people like us have other major issues to resolve. Country does not even come last on our To Do list. So, suffering wrong choices is the only thing which we can do.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Dwelling on nostalgia
This will be a longer post. It is for April 8, 2009. My last day with my kids. I had expected too many things to happen. Had guessed many apologies and many thankyous to come my way. But, unfortunately or may be fortunately, nothing like that happened. Taahira was the only one who came. She got very emotional. Narrated the incidents of her life. Told me things which she perhaps never told anybody about. And in the end gave me a hug. A hug which meant and conveyed much more than her words could. There were the expected thankyous and see you next year too.
All in all it ended well.
Now as I evaluate, there were several things which I learned from this exercise (or should I say ordeal) that I went through.
1. It taught me that teaching takes excessive patience (something that I already knew but just had forgotten for some time.)
2. With some people the philosophy of 'good begets good' does not work.
3. If some people don't have the drive, you just CAN'T instill it in them.
4. All of us are born with problems.
5. It takes a hell of an effort to actually get out of the shanties that you have been born in to reach the palace.
6. Not each time can you make people believe of your good intentions.
7. It's tough to make everyone sit and study.
And many more...
Some of which, I am unable to recollect as of now.
But all in all, the experience has made me actually sit and ponder whether I really wish to experience all this all over again.
As of now, my heart is saying NO.
Maybe I should now try teaching younger children who are much more impressionable and who are NOT thinking marriage.
All these are probabilities and possibilities.
What will work out eventually, I seriously don't know.
But one thing I can certainly conclude that this was a bumpy ride, which has made me really wiser.
And for that, I need to thank all you guys.
You hurt me at each step, but I choose to remember all the good times that we enjoyed together.
That is the way, I guess, it should be.
(I told you I am wiser ;) )